Thursday, December 9, 2010


     After about 10 coats of gold paint, clear coats will then be applied. The type of clear that is best for this project would be Polyoxide Spar Urethane. You may have heard of polyurethane which is similar to polyoxide except polyoxide is water based and polyurethane is oil based. The benefit of using a water based paint is its less messy, easy to clean, and there are few toxic chemicals so its safer to paint outside. When painting, always use a mask. I have one that has two air filters since I frequently paint. 15 coats of clear is recommended or until a thick layer is achieved.
     The next step after painting is the micro mesh sanding and buffing. Start out with lightly wet sanding the entire body with 600 grit sandpaper then repeat the process with the following grits of sandpaper in this order: 1200, 1600, 1800, 2200, 2600, 3600, 4000, 5500, 6000, 12000. For those that don't know sand paper is a sheet of rough paper with small granules on it in order to smooth and level a surface. The higher the number the more granules there are and the finer the sand. 12000 feels like a piece of leather and that is what makes the glossy surface.

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