Wednesday, December 1, 2010


      The next step in this invigorating project would be to stain the sides and back of the guitar body. To do this I used a mixture of a coffee paste and a red wine liquid. You can adjust the intensity of the colors my adjusting the ratio of coffee to red. I used a 1:2 ratio and carefully applied the stain with a 2" wide sponge brush from Home Depot. I recommend applying thin coats and waiting 2 - 5 hours between coats to let it thoroughly dry. Some tips on having a good result would be 1.) Always keep your area clean and away from any possible dust. 2.) Never sand in between coats of stain, only between coats of paint.

    Stain and paint are very different. Stain is what to use if you wish to enhance the color of the wood and still have the wood grain visible. This is referred to as being translucent. Paint is used to cover something up such as the grain on the wood. It can transform the material being used and make it look like metal instead of wood.

1 comment:

  1. I'm in the process of refinishing an '85 Ibanez I got off eBay and the way the back of your gold top looks in the pictures is the exact color I'd like to get. so I was wondering if you could explain more on how you stained it and how you got the coffee paste and red wine mixture, thanks man! you did amazing work
